







Score Big with a Degree in Sports Management at CIU!

欢迎来到澳门新葡京网站体育管理学士学位课程, 你对体育的热情在哪里与管理和领导方面的动态教育相结合. 在激动人心的体育领域, 有效的管理是成功的关键, and our program equips you with the skills to excel in this fast-paced industry. 通过参加这个项目, 你将深入学习一门结合了商业基础和专业体育管理课程的课程, allowing you to understand the unique dynamics of the sports world. Whether your aspirations lie in professional sports organizations, 事件管理, 体育营销, 或者体育设施管理, our program offers pathways to turn your passion into a rewarding career. You’ll also learn valuable leadership skills, 团队合作策略, 道德决策, 同时,作为一个重视个性发展和信仰融合的社区的一部分. CIU的体育管理理学学士学位课程使您能够影响体育世界, 确保你为未来的挑战和机遇做好准备.

Why Choose Columbia International University

我们的课程提供独特而丰富的教育体验,将对体育的热爱与管理原则的坚实基础相结合. Here’s why CIU is the optimal choice for your sports management journey:

  • 全面的方法: Our program doesn’t just focus on sports; it emphasizes holistic development by integrating character formation, 道德, and faith principles into sports management education.
  • 专家教师我们经验丰富的教职员工带来了丰富的体育和商业知识, ensuring you receive practical insights and relevant expertise.
  • 实践学习: CIU强调通过实习、实地考察和实际项目进行体验式学习. 这些机会使你能够将课堂概念应用到现实世界中, 获得宝贵的实践经验.
  • 体育网络: Being part of CIU connects you to a network of students, 校友, and professionals who share your passion for sports. 社交活动和伙伴关系为实习和未来的职业努力提供了建立联系的机会.
  • 伦理领导: CIU’s Christian foundation underpins our sports management education, 培养道德领导, 完整性, and values-based decision-making—a distinct advantage in the sports industry.
  • 全球视角: CIU’s diverse community offers a global perspective on sports, preparing you to engage with the international aspects of the industry.
  • 信仰的集成: CIU integrates faith seamlessly into your education, 帮助你培养一个强大的道德指南针来指导你在体育管理领域的决策和行动.
  • 小班授课: Our intimate class sizes ensure personalized attention, fostering meaningful interactions with instructors and fellow students.
  • 区位优势我们在哥伦比亚的校园, 南卡罗来纳, provides proximity to a variety of sports organizations and events, offering unique learning and networking opportunities.
  • 职业支持: CIU’s Career Services assists you in crafting a standout resume, 准备面试, and connecting with potential employers in the sports industry.

通过选择CIU, 你踏上了一段变革性的旅程,不仅装备你的体育管理技能,还装备你的性格特征,使你成为一个有原则和有影响力的体育专业人士. With CIU, your passion for sports finds purpose in a well-rounded education.


体育管理理学学士学位在体育和商业的交叉点提供了一个充满活力的职业生涯的门户. 这个全面的项目为毕业生的成功提供了一系列的好处. 通过专业的体育知识和基本的管理技能的融合, 学生获得在跨体育赛事管理角色中脱颖而出所需的专业知识, 体育营销, 设备操作, 及以后. What sets this degree apart is its emphasis on 实践经验. 实习, 一些实习课程, and real-world projects provide hands-on exposure, allowing graduates to seamlessly transition into the professional realm. 除了技术熟练,该计划培养道德决策和领导特质. 毕业生在坚持价值观和原则的同时,能够驾驭复杂的体育产业. 该计划的多功能性适应体育组织内广泛的职业抱负, 机构, 事件的公司, 及以后. 随着体育产业的不断发展, 该学位使毕业生能够适应并为其发展和转型做出贡献. 整体, 体育管理理学学士学位不仅为个人的事业成功提供了条件,而且为充满活力的体育世界做出了有益的贡献.






  • 体育活动协调员
  • 体育营销专员
  • 体育设施经理
  • 体育经纪人
  • 体育指导员
  • 社区体育组织者
  • 赞助协调员
  • 体育分析专员
  • 体育公共关系专员
  • 娱乐管理


What does the Bachelor of Science in Sports Management program cover?
该计划包括一个全面的课程,使学生对体育产业和基本商业原则都有深刻的理解. 你将参与从体育营销策略和活动策划到体育法律和设施运营的课程. This balanced approach ensures that you graduate with a well-rounded skill set, ready to tackle the multifaceted challenges of the sports management field.
Can I pursue a career in professional sports with this degree?
绝对. 该学位为您在专业体育组织中担任广泛的角色做好准备. Whether you’re interested in 体育营销, 运动员代表, 事件的协调, 或者设施管理, 该计划为您在动态的职业体育世界中茁壮成长提供了基础.
Yes, internships form a crucial part of the program. 这些实践经验弥合了课堂学习和实际应用之间的差距. 通过实习和实际项目, you’ll have the opportunity to work with sports organizations, 活动管理公司, 以及营销机构, gaining valuable insights and networking connections.
How does the program integrate faith and values?
我们的课程采用全面的方法,将基督教价值观融入体育管理教育. 我们强调道德决策, 完整性, 负责任的领导, 确保毕业生不仅是准备充分的专业人士,而且是对体育产业及其社区产生积极影响的个人.
The program offers various networking avenues. 业内专业人士客座讲座, 研讨会, and 校友 events provide platforms for you to connect with experts and peers. 这些互动为实习打开了大门, 向人求教, and potential job placements in the sports industry.
Can I specialize in a particular sports niche?
While the program provides a comprehensive education in sports management, you can tailor your studies through elective courses. 像体育营销这样的专业, 设施管理, or sports analytics allow you to delve deeper into specific areas of interest, 提高你的专业知识.
What sets CIU’s Sports Management program apart?
CIU’s program stands out for its unique combination of strong Christian values, 实践经验, 强调道德领导. 我们的小班教学促进个性化学习和与教师有意义的互动. 将信仰原则与体育管理教育相结合,不仅能让你在事业上出类拔萃,也能让你在品格上出类拔萃.
Can I transition from other fields to sports management?
绝对. The program is designed to accommodate students from diverse backgrounds. Through comprehensive coursework and 实践经验s, 该计划为您提供必要的技能和知识,使您成功过渡到体育管理的动态领域.
What industries beyond professional sports can I enter?
研究生s find opportunities in various sectors beyond professional sports, 比如大学体育系, 社区体育组织, 体育营销机构, 活动管理公司, 甚至还有公司的健康计划. The versatility of the degree opens doors to a range of exciting career paths.
How does the program address global sports trends?
该课程旨在为体育产业提供广阔的视角, 包括全球趋势和动态. 通过相关课程和讨论, you’ll gain insights into international sports scenarios, 准备你导航的挑战和机遇所呈现的体育管理领域的全球层面.