Clinical and Simulation Coordinator

Clinical and Simulation Coordinator


The clinical and simulation coordinator collaborates with the dean, assistant dean, program director, other faculty members, 和工作人员在圣经的世界观下协调护理学院的临床教育,以提供像基督一样的教育, 富有同情心的关怀治疗和成长,并履行大学的使命,从基督教世界观教育人们,以基督的信息影响国家. The coordinator pursues that mission with a commitment to CIU’s educational philosophy of total life training; integrating academic excellence, spiritual formation, and ministry skills development, with Bible at the core.


  • BSN预科学生的临床实习: Works with community clinical partners to schedule clinical rotations for students; ensures all requirements for students and nursing faculty are met and up-to-date prior to rotations, including vaccinations, physical exams, background checks, drug screening.
  • 护理学院技能/模拟教育的协调: 管理CIU技能/模拟中心的技能/模拟课程的安排,并在与每个临床课程的主要教员合作时设置和清理技能/模拟课程, 管理技能/模拟用品的库存和订购, 管理所有人体模型和技能/模拟设备的维护.
  • Student relationships: Advises and mentor students, 通过适当地参与学生活动和小组,培养师生关系.
  • Professional engagement: 参加专业协会,维护执照和证书.
  • Ministry involvement: 在当地教会、宣教团和/或市场环境中建立一致的服务模式.
  • Personal growth: Models Christ-like character and conduct; exhibits growth in areas of personal challenge.
  • Support of CIU mission and vision: 参与发展一所圣经大学, 鼓励未来的学生参加CIU, and promotes CIU’s other ministries.
  • Alignment with CIU values: 一贯倡导和践行CIU的五大核心价值观.
  • Promotion of CIU culture: Cooperates with others, expresses opinions appropriately, supports decisions once they are made, and cultivates corporate unity.
  • Participation in CIU activities: Attends faculty meetings, chapels, prayer days, commencement, homecoming, and other activities as set out in the Employee Handbook.


  • 近期有临床护理经验. 
  • 熟悉和熟练使用网络技术或愿意学习.   
  • 良好的口头和书面沟通能力.
  • 表现出与成人学习者沟通和指导的有效性 undergraduate students.
  • 表现出对团队合作的承诺和团队决策模式.
  • 能够协调辅助教师和学生在模拟和临床设置.
  • 作为一名注册护士,必须持有有效的南卡罗来纳州或多州/紧凑执照.
  • 至少两年的注册护士工作经验.
  • 有技能和/或模拟教育经验者优先.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Nursing required.



  • Health Plan;
  • 401(k) plan with match opportunity;
  • 员工团体人寿保险费用的100%;
  • Long term disability insurance;
  • 节假日、公休日、病假、探亲假;
  • 教育福利:学前班-研究生学费减免.

有兴趣和合格的候选人将完成 CIU Employment Application on this site.

Columbia International University
School of Nursing
Time Period
40 hours/12 months

CIU Employment Application CIU Global (Online) Adjunct Application 库克商学院的常驻助理申请 艺术与科学申请学院的常驻助理 护理应用学院住院护理助理

Supplemental Form and Instructions

CIU教师职位需要提交一份简历(CV)。. 一旦你完成了网上申请, 你将有机会提交求职信和简历.

Instructional Staff Supplement Form (PDF)

Ben Lippen Employment Application (PDF)

BLS Online Studies Adjunct Application

如果您正在申请Ben Lippen的职位,并且无法下载Ben Lippen的应用程序, please contact Human Resources at or 1-800-777-2227 ext. 5009.